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Kamsaagré : " L'Espérance des Enfants"

Kamsaagre Association
S/C Enola

6 avenue F. Roosevelt
75008 PARIS
Tel : 01 70 08 78 40


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Livre d'or

Note n°7232
par Jack le 17/05/2024 @ 12:45
Trezor Suite is best experienced as a desktop app. An all-new desktop app for Trezor hardware wallets, Trezor Suite, is now in public beta and available to download and test. Trezor Suite brings big improvements across our three key pillars of usability, security and privacy.

Note n°7230
par lucas_ray le 17/05/2024 @ 12:14
MetaMask is a popular browser extension that connects users to the Ethereum blockchain and provides access to decentralized apps (dApps). Here are the main features of the MetaMask Wallet Extension addon. The MetaMask plugin intends to decentralize control over personal data and promote user privacy, but critics have raised concerns that it could leak identifiable information to data collection networks and site trackers.

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Snif !!!


 Dernière mise à jour le  15 janvier 2018...